Established in 2017, Street Candy Film stands as a testament to unwavering devotion to analog photography. Originating from humble beginnings, it has transformed into a worldwide sensation. Pioneering eco-conscious initiatives like using recycled cardboard tubes for ATM400, Street Candy Film is dedicated to preserving the magic of analog photography. In 2021, they unveiled Street Candy MTN100, further enriching their unique film collection.
€10.50€11.05Regular price-5% offPrice
Coming from a German film manufacturer with a century-long tradition in motion picture film, STREET CANDY MTN 100 has a strong character and elegance...
€10.50€11.05Regular price-5% offPrice
€11.00€11.58Regular price-5% offPrice
Since it's been retired from a glorious security carrier, we gave it a new purpose and can now enjoy the unique character of this emulsion in your...
€11.00€11.58Regular price-5% offPrice